The legendary Birkebeinerrennet, Saturday March 16th. Classic technique, start in Rena and finish in Lillehammer. The race crosses two mountains, and the track takes you through breathtaking sceneries.
All participants must carry a backpack weighing at least 3.5 kg throughout the race to honour the 800 old tale of the kindom of Norway.
Did you know that SkiBirken has 7 different ski-races? Find the race and distance that suits you and sign up!
Birkebeinerrennet 54 km
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SkøyteBirken 54 km
Skate over the mountains Friday March 15th
The race is the Birken skate competition in the same track as Birkebeinerrennet. Start in Rena and finish at Birkebeineren Ski Stadium, Lillehammer.
Read more The race is the Birken skate competition in the same track as Birkebeinerrennet. Start in Rena and finish at Birkebeineren Ski Stadium, Lillehammer.

TurBirken 54 km
This touring race goes in the same track as Birkebeinerrennet Friday March 15th. Start in Rena and finish at Birkebeineren Ski Stadium, Lillehammer.
No competition - you can also choose technique - free or classic.
Read more No competition - you can also choose technique - free or classic.

HalvBirken 28 km
Half the distance - just as fun!
HalvBirken ski will be organized Saturday March 16th
Start at Sjusjøen - finish at Birkebeineren ski stadium, Lillehammer. 28 km.
Only classic technique is allowed.
Read more HalvBirken ski will be organized Saturday March 16th
Start at Sjusjøen - finish at Birkebeineren ski stadium, Lillehammer. 28 km.
Only classic technique is allowed.

Our nordic classic relay race Friday march 15th.
There are 4 legs of 7,5 km. Start, exchange and finish at Birkebeiner Ski stadium, Lillehammer.
Backpack is voluntary.
Read more There are 4 legs of 7,5 km. Start, exchange and finish at Birkebeiner Ski stadium, Lillehammer.
Backpack is voluntary.

UngdomsBirken 15 km
Our youth race in nordic classic technique, Sunday March 17th.
The track is 15 km - start at Sjusjøen and finish at Birkebeineren Ski stadium, Lillehammer. All participants must carry a backpack weighing at least 1.5 kg throughout the race. Age: 12-16 years old as of 31.12.2024
Read more The track is 15 km - start at Sjusjøen and finish at Birkebeineren Ski stadium, Lillehammer. All participants must carry a backpack weighing at least 1.5 kg throughout the race. Age: 12-16 years old as of 31.12.2024

There will be races for kids Sunday March 17th in both Rena and Lillehammer
Classic technique.
These races are for all kids in the age from 0 to 11 years old. The track is easy and differ for each age group. No time keeping.
Read more Classic technique.
These races are for all kids in the age from 0 to 11 years old. The track is easy and differ for each age group. No time keeping.

Together in Birken
Using Birken as a goal for your training you will contribute to keep your staff in shape, build a good team and get a great experience together.
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