Green light for Birken in March 2022

Text and photo: Birken
Good news!
Following meeting and discussions with the Health Authorities, we are pleased to confirm that the Birkebeiner Ski Festival will be organized as planned for alle skiers, elite, advanced, children and youngsters.
A meeting between Birken organization committee and the local health authorities in Lillehammer and Rena/Åmot, has defined the field of possibilities and confirm a full scale Birken Ski Festival 2022.
As new national regulations were released mid January 20, 2022, the discussion has been held about the implementation of those new regulations. The conclusions are as follows:
- Applying the regulations as per March 2022 of general infection control advices to all (distance, face mask, hand hygiene, cough etiquette, vaccination) the Birken Ski Festival will be held as normal for all participants. That applies for Fridays TurBirken 54 and TurBirken 28, RelayBirken and SkateBirken as well as Saturdays traditional Birkebeinerrennet. Sundays BarneBirken (Children) and Ungdomsbirken (youngsters) will all be held as planned. Therefore we are pleased to invite our foreign friends to a full scale and renewed happy skiing experience, says CEO Eirik Torbjørnsen.
Safety and joy of skiing.
Birken organization committee has lately tested methods for implementing infection control regulations through Birkebeinerrittet and Birkebeinerløpet last autumn with good results and through this hosted both feed back and knowledge without any registered infections with all together 6000 participants. Basic natural facts such as outdoor sights, wave start, start and finish on different places are among others facts that explain the good records of last autumn.
- After two cancellations it is for Birken a great pleasure to invite to a full scale skifestival including Sport1 exhibition in Haakons Hall, with all distances and challenges for all, with a good flow in the tracks and safe transport solutions.
We are still awaiting a few weeks before taking decisions concerning showers at finish and matrass overnight in Rena and therefore are reservations for accommodation on hold until further notice says Torbjørnsen.

Precisions of rules applying for 2022
Should the sanitary situation be as such that Birken will be obliged to limit the number of participants, then we will consider the date of registration for each and give priority on the principle first come, first served.
Should we be obliged to refused start to registered participants, then we will offer transfer of fee to 2023 or refund. This will apply only in case of limitation or cancellation. Should you be unable to participate will the regular cancellation rules apply.
Read the entry conditions here
We strongly recommend our foreign participants to provide a travel insurance before travelling to Norway and Birken.
For updated regulations entering Norway please read following link Advice and rules for entry into Norway - NIPH (
For questions do not hesitate to contact us at