
Your Birken guide

Gaute og medalje

Text and photo: Birken

Here is your Birken guide - need to know

Bus booking
You can order bus from Lillehammer, Hamar and Sjusjøen to Rena. Information about departures: bus table. Booking at your My Page.

Cycle transports are included when ordering bus
Cycles are transported on lorries at your own risk. We advise you to protect your cycle with fabric or bubble wrap.

Do you need accommodation?
Birken offers mattress accommodation  included breakfast. Preorder before August 27. NOK 495,-, Order on site August 30.: NOK 650,-.
Accommodation in Rena is available in schools and other suitable buildings for  Birkebeinerrittet.
The mattress is provided, but you must bring your own sleeping bag, and sheet. In the evening, you can purchase food at, or close by, the facility.

Where to pick up your starting number?
Check at your My Page for pick up place, Lillehammer or Rena?

Opening hours Friday August 30.

  • Lillehammer, Håkons Hall 10.00- 21.00
  • Rena, Åmot kulturhus 11.00-21.00

Opening hours Saturday August 31.

  • Rena, Åmot kulturhus from 07.00 until last start
  • Pellestova from 06.30
  • Birkebeiner skistadion from 07.30

Note: On race day start number are to be picked up at close to the starting area.
Start numbers that are not picked up in Håkons Hall, Lillehammer before 21.00 Friday evening, must be picked up at the starting area on race day.

Starting card
Your starting card shows your wave and starting time. Download from My Page . Show your starting card when picking up your starting number.

All participants age 13-79 must have a valid license to start in cycle events in Norway. If you have a valid license through national cycling federetaion, please bring your license card when retrieving your starting number. More information about the license. Order your license at your My Page.

For Rena and Lillehammer: Parking fee NOK 95,-. Order here

What happens when?
A lot will happen both in Rena and in Lillehammer during Birken Cycle 2024 What happens when?

2018-08-25 13.26.17

Race rules and backpack 3,5 kg

Please read the race rules thoroughly

All participants in Birkebeinerrittet and HalvBirken, regardless of class, must carry a 3,5 kilo backpack during the entire race, until crossing the finish line. The backpack must be visible and can not be worn underneath clothing or bib.

For safety reasons the pack must contain

  • wind-/water resistant jacket and pants
  • Gloves
  • Hat or buff headwear
  • Extra food
  • Tools and hose kit
  • We recommend that you bring dry underwear and socks


Food- and drink stations
At the start: Refill Maxim sports drink and water.
Find information for each race here:

Cycle service Birkebeinerrittet
At Bringbusætra and Kvarstad we offer simple service such as changing of hose, chain, brake pads, as well as adjusting the gears and brakes before start and at the service stations along the track.

Sport 1 market
You will find the Sport 1 market both in Rena Torg and in Håkons Hall, Lillehammer.

Transportation of luggage from start to finish is included in the entry fee.  Information about transportation of luggage

Do not litter
It is not allowed to throw anything along the tracks. Use the waste zones or bring your waste to the finish. We need you to take responsibility for the nature!

On race day, you can watch the competitors during the race at  Birken-TV

Prizes and diplomas
All participants in Birkebeinerrittet, HalvBirken cycle and UltraBirken cycle receives a finisher pin at the finish line. Participations in UngdomsBirken cycle recieves a finisher medal at the finish line.
A diploma stating your time can be picked up inside Haakons Hall at race day or downloaded from your My Page
More information about prizes

You can use the showers in Håkons Hall after the race.



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