
UltraBirken sykkel

122 km, 31.08.24

Welcome to UltraBirken cycle!

UltraBirken cycle

Organized for the 12th time in 2024, Saturday August 31st
The track will be 122 km long, start at Pellestova into the mountains and finish at Håkons Hall at the Olympic city of Lillehammer.

All competitors must have passed 17 years of age as per December 31, 2024 and must carry a backpack with requestet contents.

All competitors must download correct GPS-track when it is released, and follow the correct track. It is the competitors own responsibility to cycle the correct UltraBirken track and see to that their navigation equipment has sufficient power during the race.

Race info

UltraBirken cycle

Information Birken cycle

Need to know in advance

Information Birken cycle

On Race day

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