Birkebeinerrittet is back!

Text: Birken Photo: Geir Olsen
Birken has been given the go ahead from both local and national health authorities to go through with our plans for Birkebeinerrittet with a limited number of participants. This means that, with corona cerificate, or negativ on site test, we get to see you again on August 28th, and we are really looking forward to it!
Birkebeinerrittet takes priority
With a limited number of entrants allowed, 5000 participants, we choose to give our main event priority, and therefor all other cycle events is cancelled.
If you already have signed up for UltraBirken cycle, HalvBirken cycle or Birken youth race, you can transferre your participation to next year or get your participation refunded. Please contact us on to let us know what you want to do.
Covid certificate
All participants must show their certificate, or take a test, when retrieving your BIB. You will then be given a bracelet showing your status, and gain entry to the start zone. Only entrants in the race are allowed inside the zone.
The Sport 1 sales tent is located outside the zone, and is available for everyone.
Read more about covid certificate
Sign up
Due to the limited amount of entrants allowed the number of available spots are few.
Sign up here