Birkebeinerrittet celebrates 30 years

23.06.2023 Text and photo: Birken/Sportograf
Birkebeinerrittet celebrates 30 years! Anniversary celebration August 25.- 26. introducing several news!
Choose how you want to experience Birkebeinerrittet. Du you want to challenge yourself on your own or together with your cycling friends? Do you want to particpate with or without timing? In addition to the traditional MTB Bike that is used in the competition classes, you can also choose to race on your EL Bike or on your gravel Bike. Birkebeinerrittet have a varaity of different classes and start waves - whatever you choose we will guarantee 100 % Birken atmosphere!
Jubilee track
This year we re introduce a part of the original track from -93 and -94. Rena - Vivelstadsvea 0-11 km and Vivelstadsvea – Bringbu 11-26 km
Track profile and description
Start togehter ?
It you want to start together with friends or family we can offer this in one of the un-seeded waves. Please send a message stating names and Birken ID's to
The anniversary celebration starts Friday afternoon in Rena
NRK Supershow and BarneBirken.
We invite to all kids and all Birkebeiners to a celebration in Rena Friday afternoon.
BarneBirken cycle in Rena 16:45 -17.30. The the NRK Super bus lights up Rena town square with its show for kids (BlimE dance, Fantorangen-show, and more).
Premiere: New Birken song!
Birkebeiner and artist, Kine Kleveland, will perform with the brand new Birken song at Rena town square Friday afternoon.
Win a Gravel Bike from Scott
All participants in Birkebeinerrittet can win a Gravel bike from Scott. Sign up and join the draw of Speedster Gravel 30, Value NOK: 21.999,-
FACTS: Birken cycle festival 2023
When: August 25.- 26., 2023
Who: All cyclists
What: Mountain Bike race
Where: Rena and Lillehammer
Friday August 25.:
- BarneBirken Rena and Lillehammer
- New Birken song and NRK Supershow in Rena
- Sport 1 market and Expo
Saturday August 26.:
- UngdomsBirken 16 km
- Birkebeinerrittet 84 km
- Sport1 market and Expo